Thursday, December 15, 2016

                                      Class Evaluation
1. Some things i liked about this class is us having free time. Another things i liked about this class is us having to learn about ways to make our lives much more happier and successful. I enjoyed how we learned links and about different coding and stuff. I like how we have a  life planning book. The life planning book helps us organize our future.

2. Some things that i dont like about this class is that we mostly do the same thing every single day. We never do anything new on our agenda. I dont really dislike much of this class because over all its an excellent class.

3. I recommend doing new things on our agenda every day and sticking to the same thing every day. I also recommend more free time. Another suggestion is maybe having us suggest things we want to learn about towards computers.

4. The highlight for this class for me is probably our life planning goals book. The life planning goals book. My life planning goals book will help me make my life much more organized and much more efficient. My goals book will help me make my life much more easier and also help me make my goals in life much more organized.

5. I honeslty could of done better but i tried my best and thats all that matters. Trying my best in this class is the best thing i could of done and also managed my things that i needed to do for some other class and still manage to keep up with this class. I can and will try much harder next semester,

6. Yes, I do write in my goals journal for five minutes daily. I write about a page each goal. I don't have enough time to get to the Sharpen the Saw part but when I do, I write enough. I also don't have the time to report but I am writing in my goals journal when I can.

7. I am very committed to being a CTR student. I think being a CTR student/person will get me far in life. I follow all the ways that will help me become successful in my future. Not only that but, I am seeing myself become a better person so the ways are really affecting me for the better. 

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