Monday, May 1, 2017

  1. The Seed of Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself)
    “From self-love to self-worth

Lead with your hand. When you walk into a room always lead with your hand by offering a firm handshake. This gives you a feeling of self-assurance and indicates to others that you are confident in who you are. Make eye contact. Making eye contact indicates you are a caring person capable of holding the glass of another person. Offer Your Name First When meeting people, always introduce yourself by saying your name. Smile. A smile indicates there’s a light on in your window and that you are a caring and sharing person inside. Dress your best. Always dress your best—not necessarily in designer clothing—and take pride in how you look. It’s the outside of the package that draws people in. Sit in front. When you attend meetings, sit up front and be an active participant. Walk Walk with a spring in your step—a certain type of charisma and feeling about yourself. Use a positive explanatory style. Listen carefully to how people describe themselves, as that often tells a lot about how people feel about themselves. Do they say negative things? Do they make excuses? Always explain yourself with a positive explanatory style. Accept compliments. When you graciously accept compliments, you are accepting yourself for who you are rather than making excuses about yourself. Keep your self-talk positive. We are all our own worse critics. No eyes are as critical as our own. We don’t like pictures and videos of ourselves. There is no voice or set of eyes that has the power to discourage like your own. Look for the good in you, not the bad, and when you look in the mirror count your blessings, not your blemishes. Look at what you do well. When things aren’t going well, look back at the things you have done well. When we focus on what’s good about ourselves, we feel good about ourselves. When we focus on our faults, mistakes and weaknesses, we naturally feel poorly about ourselves.

  1. 2. The Seed of Creativity“Releasing your creative energy"
Even those of us not in explicitly creative fields must come up with new ideas and insights in order to move ahead. How can we shake up the way we think? Creativity has been pegged to conducive environments, perfect collaborators, personality traits, serendipity, and even spiritual muses. While research psychologists are interested in increasing innovative thinking, clinical psychologists sometimes encourage patients to use artistic expression as a way to confront difficult feelings.

  1. The Seed of Responsibility
    "Whatever we sow, we reap."
Being responsible means that you contributed to an event occurring, either by your actions or your failure to take action. Of course this could be a good or a bad thing depending upon the circumstances. If you have contributed to something positive happening, you may not struggle to take responsibility for your role; although some people do. Where you tend to see people struggle to accept responsibility is when things go wrong. Few people like to admit that they contributed to a poor outcome. However, being responsible means that you must step up and take responsibility.

  1. The Seed of Wisdom
    "A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations.

Wisdom is one of those qualities difficult to define—because it encompasses so much—but which people generally recognize when they encounter it. And it is encountered most obviously in the realm of decision-making. Psychologists tend to agree that wisdom involves an integration of knowledge, experience, and deep understanding that incorporates tolerance for the uncertainties of life as well as its ups and downs. There's an awareness of how things play out over time, and it confers a sense of balance. It can be acquired only through experience, but by itself, experience does not automatically confer wisdom. Only now are researchers beginning to look into the social, emotional, and cognitive processes that transmute experience into wisdom.
Wise people generally share an optimism that life's problems can be solved and experience a certain amount of calm in facing difficult decisions. Intelligence—if only anyone could figure out exactly what it is—may be necessary for wisdom, but it definitely isn't sufficient; an ability to see the big picture, a sense of proportion, and considerable introspection also contribute to its development.

  1. The Seed of PurposeThe gold mine in your goals”
By setting goals for yourself you are able to measure your progress because you always have a fixed endpoint. Take this scenario for example: David makes a goal to write a book with a minimum of 300 pages. He starts writing every day and works really hard but along the way, he loses track of how many more pages he has written and how much more he needs to write. So rather than panicking David simply counts the number of pages he has already written and he instantly determines his progress and knows how much further he needs to go.

  1. The Seed of Communication
       “Reach out and touch someone
Being able to communicate effectively is the most important of all life skills.
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. It may be vocally (using voice), written (using printed or digital media such as books, magazines, websites or emails), visually (using logos, maps, charts or graphs) or non-verbally (using body language, gestures and the tone and pitch of voice). Also having to learn many effective voice and trying to learn new ways into communicating.
  1. The Seed of Faith“The power of positive believing

“I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?” ― John Lennon

  1. The Seed of Adaptability
“Turning problems into opportunities”

But you can also learn to become more adaptable and to develop your ability to cope effectively with change. You can learn how to become adaptable through experience.  You might even have the advantage over others as you will have used your planning and organizing skills to change your behavior.
  1. The Seed of Perseverance“The will to win is everything”
Perseverance is continuing to work toward a goal even if there is a delay in getting it, or a difficulty in achieving it. In this case, you set a goal for yourself and you worked hard for it. Whether you made the team or not, you persevered and you knew you tried your best. Sometimes we work hard and don’t meet our goals, but knowing we did the best we could do gives us a sense of pride and self confidence. If you had quit, not only would you definitely not have made the team, but you wouldn't even have had the satisfaction of knowing you tried your hardest. Instead of feeling the pride of having done your best, you would have felt the emptiness of not even trying.

10. The Seed of Perspective

“Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”

Having perspective is the way you view things. Seeing things in a different persons point of view can change the way you see things or how things happen.

Final Reflection:
 Write an overall final reflection in your Ten Seeds of Greatness post.  Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write what you commit to do to apply the ten seeds of greatness. 

I will use these 10 seeds of greatness throughout my life. I feel like the seed of perspective is the deepest one from all 10. This seed means a lot to me because it means to see how you things in life.

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