Thursday, December 15, 2016

                                      Class Evaluation
1. Some things i liked about this class is us having free time. Another things i liked about this class is us having to learn about ways to make our lives much more happier and successful. I enjoyed how we learned links and about different coding and stuff. I like how we have a  life planning book. The life planning book helps us organize our future.

2. Some things that i dont like about this class is that we mostly do the same thing every single day. We never do anything new on our agenda. I dont really dislike much of this class because over all its an excellent class.

3. I recommend doing new things on our agenda every day and sticking to the same thing every day. I also recommend more free time. Another suggestion is maybe having us suggest things we want to learn about towards computers.

4. The highlight for this class for me is probably our life planning goals book. The life planning goals book. My life planning goals book will help me make my life much more organized and much more efficient. My goals book will help me make my life much more easier and also help me make my goals in life much more organized.

5. I honeslty could of done better but i tried my best and thats all that matters. Trying my best in this class is the best thing i could of done and also managed my things that i needed to do for some other class and still manage to keep up with this class. I can and will try much harder next semester,

6. Yes, I do write in my goals journal for five minutes daily. I write about a page each goal. I don't have enough time to get to the Sharpen the Saw part but when I do, I write enough. I also don't have the time to report but I am writing in my goals journal when I can.

7. I am very committed to being a CTR student. I think being a CTR student/person will get me far in life. I follow all the ways that will help me become successful in my future. Not only that but, I am seeing myself become a better person so the ways are really affecting me for the better. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

                                                       The 10 Keys to Personal Power
                                                                     Brain Tracy
  KEY 1 CLARITY:    "Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life.  Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going.  If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."
                   Lack of clarity is probably more responsible for frustration and underachievement than any other single factor. That’s why we say that "Success is goals, and all else is commentary." People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine. This is true everywhere and under all circumstances.You could even say that the three keys to high achievement are, "Clarity, Clarity, Clarity," with regard to your goals. Your success in life will be largely determined by how clear you are about what it is you really, really want.Write and Rewrite Your Goals. The more you write and rewrite your goals and the more you think about them, the clearer you will become about them. The clearer you are about what you want, the more likely you are to do more and more of the things that are consistent with achieving them. Meanwhile, you will do fewer and fewer of the things that don’t help to get the things you really want.
Competence is the point in your life when you become successful. Becoming competence is setting your life up with goals and being able to achieve them. Doing so can help you better yourself in life and doing other successful things.
KEY 3 CONCENTRATION:Concentration is a key. Concentration is the ability to focus without getting distracted by any thoughts, noises or anything else. Concentration helps you Control of your thoughts, gain inner peace, free your mind from annoying thoughts, improve your memory, improve your ability to study focus and conserve your energies, work more efficiently, improve meditation, 
and much more. Some exercises to help you concentrate can be as little as counting the words in a paragraph more than once without getting distracted. After you have mastered a paragraph then move onto 2 paragraphs then move onto possibly a whole page in a book.

                            KEY 4 COMMON SENSE:
Train your mind
Think things through
Listen to your intuition 
Learn from set backs
                       Common sense is something you need to have prior to concentration. Common sense is being able to do things one at a time. Concentration is a state, in which one’s whole attention is engrossed in one thing only, and being oblivious to everything else. During concentration, the mind focuses on the object of concentration, and only one thought occupies the mind. The whole energy of the mind becomes concentrated on this one thought. The ability to command the mind and control the attention is not common, and requires training. Most people lack the ability to control their attention and focus the mind exclusively on one subject for any length of time. They can’t command their mind to concentrate, whenever they want to. However, concentration is not uncommon activity. It happens almost everyday, to almost everyone, but it is more of a spontaneous and uncontrolled ability.

                                KEY 5 CREATIVITY
"Expect the fact that every human being is genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
                       The most important part of  creative thinking is your ability to generate ideas.  And the greater the quantity of ideas that you generate, the greater the quality your ideas will be.  The more ideas you have, the more likely you are to have the right idea at the right time. But generating ideas is only 1% of the equation. Your ability to come up with an idea, to test it and validate it, and then to implement it through creative thinking and execute it in your life to achieve results is the true mark of genius. Every single time you originate a new idea, write it down, make a plan for its implementation through creative thinking and then take action, you are behaving like a genius.  And the more you manage your creativity in this way, the smarter you will become.  And the smarter you will become, the more you will achieve in every area of your life.  Your future will become unlimited.

                          KEY 6 CONSIDERATION
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc.''
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years you'll be the best educated person in history.''
                            They express caring, concern, and compassion with their employees, treating them like members of their corporate family and making them feel happy and secure in their work. At the same time, they are absolutely crystal clear with regard to tasks, outputs, and the responsibilities of each person. All employees know exactly what is expected of them to do the job well.
The friendship factor is developed with the three Cs: consideration, caring, and courtesy. These are the normal behaviors of excellent managers toward the people who report to them.
                         Key 7 Consistency:  To be consistent is a very good quality because consistency means to always do something your best and to always keep it that way. A person who is consistent never lowers there capability they always try to do something at there best. They give it their all. A person who is consistent is stable they know what they want and what to do in order to get there. Although consistency is very hard for some people to get hard work and always making sure you try your best to stay consistent will make it much easier in the long run. 

"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success"
Become totally absorbed in your work be totally committed."
 The key to being committed is doing all the things you can actually say and do. Doing what you actually can and doing what is right is most likely doing what you are committed to can make you do all the things in life you actually wanna do. Being fully committed means all the time and dedication towards not only 1 thing, but maybe several things you want to do.   Image result for commitment

                  KEY 9 COURAGE:
                         "The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."
There are two parts of courage. The first is the courage to launch, to begin, to step out in faith with no guarantee of success. This is an essential part of courage that you can develop with practice. The second is the courage to endure, to persist in the face of disappointment and temporary failure.
Your job in business is to develop the courage to do whatever is necessary to fight the fire, solve the problem, and get through the crunch. This is the hallmark and the test of true leadership.
Crunch Point Actions Identify some person, situation, or action that you fear; resolve to confront it immediately and get it behind you. Whatever decisions you would make if your survival was at stake, make them now. As Shakespeare wrote, “Take action against a sea of troubles, and in so doing, end them.”

"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again".

                   The third thing parents with happy and confident children do is speak to them in a certain manner. The way you speak to your children is the single greatest factor in shaping their personalities and self-confidence.The foundation of self-confidence is self-esteem. Self-esteem is defined as how much you like yourself or how much you respect yourself. When children are growing up, they have no self-concept, they have no idea of themselves, so they take on their whole beliefs about themselves from a young age by the way they are treated by the most important people in their lives, their mother and their father.
So if you want to have a great impact on your children, constantly feed them positive reinforcement.Never criticize your children. Never blame your children. Never complain about your children. Always tell them how wonderful they are. Always build them up. Always be understanding if they have problems in life.Always tell them how good they are and how smart they are. Do this so that the most important person in their life is always laying down a psychological foundation of self-esteem that will lead to the self-confidence they will need when they grow up. Raising well-rounded children can be tough especially in today’s hectic world… The good news is, if you are a dedicated parent and provide them with the tools they need to succeed, you will not only ensure they will be healthy, but that they will also be happy and self-confident.
                               REFLECTION :
These keys benefit me by becoming a better person. Becoming a better person meaning obtaining a certain amount of confidence. The 10 keys to personal power is truly becoming a way or lifestyle for me. Involving these into my daily lifestyle is gonna change it to becoming a habit.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

                                         Dr. Covey
Dr. Covey explains on how to find yourself and your person within. Finding your person within and doing your finding your principles. Explaining your principles to yourself can make you a better person within yourself. Covey explains something about the tip of an ice burg. The ice burg is the truth about your excellence and how you came to achieve it. Achieving it came with facing new challenges everyday and facing them. The success was the good part, but people dont see the struggles  you need to face. "Its beauty in the struggle ugliness in the success"