Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Jaz Top 10 Rules for Success

The Seed of Responsibility
 This seed is one of my top picks because throughout life you are going to have to face all types responsibility. Life is going to phase you with this because when you want a family of your own you are going to have to learn how to take care of them and also know how to control certain things of your life.

The Seed of Faith
The seed of faith is one of the most important seeds there can be. Having faith can make you more successful in life. Faith means never giving up no matter what curve ball life throws at you.

The Seed of Ambition
The seed of ambition can and will make you strive for the best. Being ambitious can make others see you as a hard working person and that means a better job in whatever field you are working in.

The Seed of Self Control
Self control is having the ability of making sure you can do things and also make sure that you have control of what is happening in your life. Having control over your life is everything.

The seed of having skill
Having skills can make you have more things in a work field. Having skills can also make you feel like you can do almost about anything you set your mind too.

The seed of confidence
Having confidence is making yourself believe that you can do anything you want as long as you set your mind to.

AdaptabilityTo any situation
You have never changed your mind about some fundamental tenet of your belief, if you have never questioned the basics, and if you have no wish to do so, then you are likely ignorant.

 Sincerity Keeps friendsA quick examination of the idea of sincerity, the antithesis of bad faith, will be very instructive in this connection. 

Initiative means having the courage to make decisions and take action. Simple as that. Keep in mind that we all are going to fail at times. 

 Alertness at the most intense level. Should it be any different with you?There is something going on around us at all times from which we can acquire knowledge if we have Alertness. 

Final Class Evaluation

Some things i liked about this class was that we got to express ourselves and our goals that we have throughout life. Another thing i liked about this class was that we got to do research about things like coding and other stuff.

Some things i do not like about this class is the keys and seeds. I dont like them because our other teaches talk about it thoroughly. Also, we never do anything different we always do the same thing. I also didnt like how we rarely ever got free time.

I RECOMMEND this class to do more coding and more fun stuff to learn about the computers not seeds and keys about life. Another thing i recommend is watching videos and doing things that involve software and many other related things.

The highlight of me for this class was doing my life planning goals almost every day. Doing that made me even more eager to to accomplish my goals in life. Doing my goals is going to make me successful in life and also make me want to do better than what i already am doing.

I think i could have done way better in this classroom because i am capable of doing many things and this is one of them. I think if i would have not came late most of the time i could have maintained my "A".

I try and read my life planning goals journal almost every day. When i do read it i write more hoping to excel and reach for more goals. Reaching my for my life planning goals is probably one of the most important things to me.

I i think i am committed to being a CTR person. Being a CTR person has helped me change my ways into becoming a better person. Being a CTR person has me become way more proud of myself and about the things i do.

Monday, June 5, 2017

                          Stephen Curry Top 10 Rules

  1. Visualize Your Goals
  2. Be The Hardest Working Person
  3. Stay Confident
  4. Do It Your Way
  5. Be Creative
  6. Stay In The Moment
  7. Better Your Self Every day
  8. Have An Upbeat Personality
  9. Be The Best Version Of Yourself
  10. Action Speak Louder Than Words
These 10 rules influence me to be a better player on the court. I can agree with Steph, these actions are going to and will make me a better person on and off the court. One thing Steph mentioned a lot was to do it your way. Doing things your way can influence the ways you do things. By doing this you can learn from your own mistakes. I believe into having an upbeat person. Being an upbeat personality can bring anyone joy into the life by being nice and setting moods with people.